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Roadblocks & Detours: Why Appreciation and Gratitude Make All the Difference

We all face challenges and obstacles in life. One day, you might feel like you’re on a journey, taking steps towards a goal you’ve always wanted to achieve. Then suddenly, something goes wrong.

Life puts a roadblock in your way. Or you forced off your desired path and must take an unforeseen detour. Either way, you feel disoriented and upset that your progress has been interrupted.

It’s easy to get discouraged at moments like this. But by practicing gratitude and taking time to appreciate everything that’s going right, you can keep your wits about you. Even when something goes wrong.

Here’s why gratitude and appreciation make all the difference when you’re faced with a major challenge.

Focus on The Little Things

Sometimes, everything seems to fall apart at once. When you’re struggling in several areas of your life, you might wonder how you can possibly find joy or motivation. The answer? For now, just focus on the little things.

Take some time each day to think about any small thing you can be grateful for. Whether it’s a hot shower, having food on the table, or having a warm bed to sleep in at night. Some people find that keeping a gratitude journal helps them to appreciate everything they have to be grateful for, especially when times are tough.

Learning Experience

If we didn’t make mistakes and deal with setbacks, how would we ever learn? When you’re going through a tough time, it helps to be grateful for the chance to learn an important lesson. You never know what new knowledge will come out of this situation.

A few months from now, when things are looking brighter, you might feel stronger and more confident because you were able to make it through to the other side.

Practicing Patience

Patience does not come naturally to everyone. Many of us seek instant gratification. But throughout our lives, we will all have opportunities to practice patience.

When you’re facing a difficult scenario, you might wish you could just fast-forward the whole thing. Instead, think of it as an opportunity to develop your patience and have faith in yourself. You do not need to rush through roadblocks to see the results you want down the line.

Trusting the Process

Trusting the process is the key to success and personal growth. Cultivating gratitude for the process that will eventually take you where you want to go - even if it’s not on your timeline - can completely shift your outlook on life. When you are dealing with a roadblock, try to shift your perspective.

For example, when something goes wrong, you may worry that nothing will ever go right again. How you can rewrite this narrative? Can you adjust your thinking and focus on the possibility that you need this experience to succeed in the end? Consider how you have the chance to practice trusting the process.

Appreciating the End Results

When something comes easily to you, you might not appreciate it quite as much. But when you struggle for something, success feels even better. Gratitude is life-changing. Remember that when you finally achieve what you’ve been working so hard for, you will be even more grateful knowing that you struggled. You did not have the results handed to you easily - you fought hard for it and kept your chin up when the waters were rough.

Do you feel like you’re facing a difficult obstacle right now? You may benefit from more guidance and support. To navigate your current challenges, therapy might be the right next step. Read more here about Holistic Life Counseling. When you’re ready, please call me at 408-357-3736 or email me at to set up a free 15-minute phone consultation.