Holistic Life Counseling

Are You Feeling Dissatisfied With Your Life?

Do your goals and aspirations seem out of reach? Maybe you’re unfulfilled in your career or interpersonal relationships, or feel plagued by a concern that you don’t fit in anywhere. You may be feeling lost and unsure of where you should be headed in life. Or, maybe you know where you want to go, but aren’t sure it’s possible to get there.


There are many reasons you might be experiencing dissatisfaction in your life. Perhaps you may be staring down some daunting life choices that are challenging you. Conversely, you may feel overwhelmed by how disconnected you are from your own life. Whether you’re facing a roadblock or simply stalled out, you are unsure about how to move forward. 

You may be worried about how you’re going to find your way, but you don’t have to feel uncertain or stuck. Would you be relieved to move forward with confidence and balance?

Odds are that at one time or another, you may find yourself in a place of self-doubt and under pressure to tackle challenges alone. But the good news is that an experienced, professional holistic counselor is an invaluable resource to effectively guiding you to your full potential.

What is Holistic Counseling?

Holistic counseling is like life coaching, helping navigate your future as if you had a crystal ball.

Holistic life counseling involves the mind, body, and spirit working together to overcome obstacles and help you see your path forward to obtain what you want.

Working with the mind allows you to challenge the way you are viewing your situation, and asks you to see things in a different light, where new possibilities exist. 

Body (somatic) work aims to relax the body through meditation and mindfulness. When your body is relaxed and grounded, your mind has more access to new ideas, and you are able to think more clearly. Even accessing your intuition requires being grounded in your physical being. We’ll integrate mind and body as we work toward your goals.

Spiritual counseling is based on what’s comfortable to you. We’ll focus on what spirituality is to you, and how it can help. My work as a minister revolves around helping you know yourself through your journey inward. Guidance can be found in the spiritual, whether that involves God, angels, your higher self, your intuition, a gut feeling, or tapping into your inspiration. We can use spiritual tools for guidance.

As a professional holistic counselor, I can help you find purpose or fulfillment. As we examine the issues in your life, we’ll also dig deeper to identify what those challenges have taught you, and how we can use that knowledge to your benefit going forward. My role is to help you discover the tools you already have, arm you with the ones you may not, and empower you to ask for what you want.

Holistic Counseling Can Remove Your Blocks And Help Achieve Your Goals


My holistic approach offers support to tackle the issues you’re facing in ways you may not have considered. It provides you with an impartial and experienced lens to evaluate your challenges and options, providing guidance and a clear path for moving forward

I provide a compassionate, non-judgmental environment where we’ll create a collaborative plan that you feel comfortable with. We’ll begin by verbally exploring the reasons you’re feeling stuck or unsatisfied. Based on what we discuss, I can give you the proper tools for overcoming your challenges. I have extensive experience in reliable, holistic techniques that we’ll pull from based on your needs. I offer an integrated approach based on my 30 years as a minister, 10 years of somatic training, and licensure as a marriage and family therapist. Whatever your situation, we’ll consider your mind, body, and spirit as we engage in talk work, somatic work, and/or spiritual guidance.

Everyone faces different challenges in life, which is why I tailor my approach to healing according to my clients’ unique needs. We’ll identify the issues as you perceive them and work together to tackle them. For example, a client may want a part-time job in a field that doesn’t offer part time jobs. In that case, I can work with you using tools that can help you create and/or find the job you are searching for. I seem to have a knack for helping people attain whatever goals they may have, even if the path seems impossible.

You May Be Interested In Holistic Counseling But Still Have Concerns…

I know I’m dissatisfied, but I don’t really know what I need.

That’s the perfect place to start, and exactly what we’ll work on. Sometimes it’s actually better to start with what you know you don’t want. A holistic life counselor will help guide you with the rest.

How long will holistic counseling take?

How much time are you currently spending worrying about your life or your issues? It will likely make strategic and financial sense for you to streamline your efforts. How much would it be worth it to you to set and achieve your goals? You may find it worth a great deal. I recommend that you start off with ten sessions and see where that takes you.

I don’t think anybody can help me. I should be able to figure it out alone anyway.

Think of it in terms of support. I’m not trying to take over your process of self-reflection and advancement. Rather, my goal is to help you clarify and assist you in it. Sometimes you need a guide to get you through something, especially if you don’t know the lay of the land. If you’re in a strange territory, it’s smart to hire a guide that knows the way through.

Through Clarity And Confidence You Can Achieve Your Goals

I take an integrated approach because it is the complete approach. Together we’ll remove your blocks and help you find fulfillment. When you’re ready, please call me at 408-357-3736 or email me at moria@gentlerestoration.com to set up a free 15-minute phone consultation.

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