Feeling Lost? How to Reconnect with Your Authentic Self

Do you ever feel lost? Perhaps you have moments when you look back on your life and wonder what happened to the person you used to be. Maybe years ago, you felt carefree, secure, and happy. As time went by, you lost a part of your authentic self, and you’re just not sure how to get it back.

Many people struggle with this feeling at some point in their lives. So often, the world tells us to hide who we are, to keep our feelings buried, and to bite our tongues when we want to speak our minds. How can you break free of this mindset and reconnect with your authentic self? Here are a few tips to get you started on this journey.

Meditation and Yoga

The power of mindfulness, meditation, and bodywork cannot be overstated. Finding that quiet space where you can simply observe your own thoughts is powerful. You don’t have to meditate for hours on end to experience the benefits. A few minutes each morning and night is enough to get started and see positive changes.

The body stores emotions and trauma. Simply moving and stretching your muscles can help you release some of these feelings. If we don’t physically move enough, we can begin to feel stagnant. Yoga is a somatic experience that helps us to breakthrough. You may feel lighter and freer after a yoga session.


Write in a Journal

Sometimes, we don’t even realize that we already have the answers to our own questions - we just need to be honest with ourselves about what we really feel, and what we want out of life. How can we find the answers? Journaling can clue us into those inner thoughts and desires that we have tried to squash.

Unsure of what to say? Resist the urge to edit yourself, and just see what comes out. When you sit down with your journal, you can let it all out. You do not need to hold back or censor your thoughts and feelings. Let your words flow in a stream of consciousness. No one will ever read them except for you. Later, you can look back at what you wrote and see how far you’ve come.

Delete Social Media

It’s easy to get very wrapped up in crafting a certain image of yourself when you spend hours on social media each day. You might end up spending a lot of time worrying about what other people think of you and stressing out if you don’t get many likes or followers. Being on social media can cause us to lose sight of our authentic selves.

How can you remedy this? By taking some time to “detox” from social media. Deleting those apps for a week or two can help you get back to being who you really are.

Talk to a Therapist

We live in a highly individualistic society. You may feel the pressure to handle all of your mental health struggles on your own, or you might worry that asking for help on this journey means that you aren’t strong enough to handle it.

But the truth is that asking for help and speaking with a counselor is a sign of inner strength. In times of need, we can turn to each other. Meeting with a therapist or counselor could be a crucial component of your holistic healing journey. 

You want your authenticity to shine through, but trying to figure it out all by yourself can be exhausting. You do not have to walk this path alone. Holistic counseling could be the answer for you. Contact me to discuss counseling services for life changes.

Many people struggle with this feeling at some point in their lives. So often, the world tells us to hide who we are, to keep our feelings buried, and to bite our tongues when we want to speak our minds. How can you break free of this mindset and reconnect with your authentic self? Here are a few tips to get you started on this journey.

Meditation and Yoga

The power of mindfulness, meditation, and bodywork cannot be overstated. Finding that quiet space where you can simply observe your own thoughts is powerful. You don’t have to meditate for hours on end to experience the benefits. A few minutes each morning and night is enough to get started and see positive changes.

The body stores emotions and trauma. Simply moving and stretching your muscles can help you release some of these feelings. If we don’t physically move enough, we can begin to feel stagnant. Yoga is a somatic experience that helps us to breakthrough. You may feel lighter and freer after a yoga session.

Write in a Journal

Sometimes, we don’t even realize that we already have the answers to our own questions - we just need to be honest with ourselves about what we really feel, and what we want out of life. How can we find the answers? Journaling can clue us into those inner thoughts and desires that we have tried to squash.

Unsure of what to say? Resist the urge to edit yourself, and just see what comes out. When you sit down with your journal, you can let it all out. You do not need to hold back or censor your thoughts and feelings. Let your words flow in a stream of consciousness. No one will ever read them except for you. Later, you can look back at what you wrote and see how far you’ve come.

Delete Social Media

It’s easy to get very wrapped up in crafting a certain image of yourself when you spend hours on social media each day. You might end up spending a lot of time worrying about what other people think of you and stressing out if you don’t get many likes or followers. Being on social media can cause us to lose sight of our authentic selves.

How can you remedy this? By taking some time to “detox” from social media. Deleting those apps for a week or two can help you get back to being who you really are.

Talk to a Therapist

We live in a highly individualistic society. You may feel the pressure to handle all of your mental health struggles on your own, or you might worry that asking for help on this journey means that you aren’t strong enough to handle it.

But the truth is that asking for help and speaking with a counselor is a sign of inner strength. In times of need, we can turn to each other. Meeting with a therapist or counselor could be a crucial component of your holistic healing journey. 

You want your authenticity to shine through, but trying to figure it out all by yourself can be exhausting. You do not have to walk this path alone. Holistic counseling could be the answer for you. Contact me to discuss counseling services for life changes.