About Moria Collett

Moria Collett Profile Picture

I’m Moria Collett, a licensed psychotherapist with specialization in holistic psychology, Somatic Experiencing, and hypnotherapy. In my practice, I help people recover from overwhelming life events. Trauma of all kinds can affect people long after the experiences are over, leading to PTSD, anxiety, depression, phobias, attachment issues, relationship problems, poor work performance, chronic pain, and other debilitating issues.

Before I became a therapist, I worked as a technical writer, project manager, school director, and minister. I’ve experienced the stress of spearheading an organization, hiring staff, setting up programs, meeting deadlines, as well as how liberating it is to let go of that stress.

When I was a gnostic (seeker after your own truth) minister, I came to believe that each individual has an innate ability to heal. After listening to Peter Levine, founder of Somatic Experiencing, speak at a conference, I was inspired to pursue the knowledge, insight, and skills needed to guide people along their unique healing journey. Now, I use Somatic Experiencing to treat trauma and accumulated stress that often leads to anxiety, depression, and other symptoms.

My family history also influences my worldview and how I work. My mother was a kindergarten teacher, and my father was a mathematician. From my mother, I learned the value of education and the worth of seeing things through a child’s eyes. From my father, I learned the value of logical thinking and problem solving. My grandmother, too, was a major source of inspiration. She lived life on her own terms as musician and conductor who traveled the U.S. performing in orchestras. She had a career, which was rare in the 1800s, and was single until her 30s. She taught me to cherish myself, my unique gifts, and to make the most of any situation. She was the most positive, loving person I have known, and I am so grateful that she was part of my life.

I bring a great deal of both life and professional experience to my practice. For over twenty years, I’ve helped people from different walks of life overcome issues related to pent-up trauma and accumulated stress. As we explore your problems and solutions in detail, you can always expect the utmost respect, honesty, clarity, and confidentiality from me. As you receive the proper support and care during challenging times, what were once struggles can be transformed into profound opportunities for personal growth. No matter what you’re going through, I can help you better understand and work through past, ongoing, and pressing issues and open your perspective to what’s possible moving forward.

Schedule An Appointment

If you are a survivor of trauma or are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression or phobias and live in California, I invite you to call 408-357-3736 for a free 15-minute phone consultation to discuss how somatic therapy can help you heal. My office is located in Los Gatos, CA, across from El Camino hospital.

Moria Collett, MFT, SEP has over twenty years of experience counseling individuals, families and children. She is a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner with ten years of advanced training in trauma, accumulated stress, anxiety, and depression. She received a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in holistic healing from John F. Kennedy University. She holds a certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy from the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. In the past, she has worked as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and as a Director of Education. She regularly speaks publicly on trauma, stress, and transformation. Outside the office, she enjoys spending time in nature and with her friends, family members, and neighbors in her community, who continue to remind her that love, connection, and compassion are the most important things in life. Her practice is located in Los Gatos, CA.