5 Ways You May Be Stifling Your Own Happiness ( & What to Do About It)

When we are unhappy, we may wonder who is to blame. Perhaps the fault lies with a demanding boss, an unfriendly coworker, or a relative who doesn’t respect boundaries. However, on many occasions, we unknowingly act in ways that don’t contribute to our happiness. In order to be truly happy, we need to step into the driver’s seat and take control.

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell when we are acting in ways that make us feel stressed out and unhappy. But once we identify the sources of the problems, we can act to remedy the situation. Here are a few ways that you might be stifling your own unhappiness - and how to fix it.

Spending Time With Negative People

The people you choose to spend time around can have a huge influence on your happiness and well-being. If you frequently spend time with negative people, you might end up feeling down in the dumps.

How can you find new friends with a more positive outlook? Try branching outside of your usual social circle. You may be surprised at who you meet when you put yourself out there! In addition, learn to appreciate the time to yourself for personal development - it is far more beneficial than spending time with negative people.


Busy Schedule

Today, many of us are so busy that we feel like we barely have time to breathe. We spend so much time rushing from one place to another, feeling like we need to be productive from dawn until dusk. But glorifying busyness will leave you with little free time to decompress and enjoy your hobbies.

Take a look at your schedule. Are you biting off more than you can chew? Would you benefit from having a few more hours each week to simply chill out, read a book, or grab coffee with a friend?

Dealing With Chronic Stress

Chronic stress seems to be an epidemic these days. Some of us feel stressed out by working long hours at our jobs. Others feel pressure to keep their social calendars packed every night of the week. And some people are stressed out because they see the highlights of everyone else’s lives on social media and wonder if they can ever measure up.

If this sounds relatable, you may benefit from reducing your screen time and spending more time meditating, doing yoga, or engaging in another mindfulness practice.

Basic Lifestyle Habits

Did you know that exercise can have a very positive effect on your mood? Yet many of us live very sedentary lives.

If you work in an office setting and spend most of your day sitting, you might be surprised at how exercising and simply moving your body more often can boost your mood! Try making time to take a quick stroll during your lunch break, or hit the gym before your morning commute.

Holding on to Past Trauma

Sometimes, our unhappiness is not the result of a particular habit or stressful relationship. Many people struggle with depression, anxiety, or general feelings of malaise as a result of past trauma. Maybe you experienced a traumatic event in the past that has affected your mental health to this day.

You do not have to feel this way forever. The guidance of a qualified therapist can help. Through talk therapy and holistic counseling, you can begin to take steps to change your life.

Are you struggling with persistent, unhappy feelings, and wondering how to let go of these emotions and live a more joyful life? Sometimes, therapy is the answer. Read more about trauma therapy and contact us soon to pursue holistic life counseling. Let's explore together how we can support you on your healing journey.