How Fear Gets Passed Down & How Hypnotherapy Can Help

If you have ever dealt with mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, you might have been able to pinpoint the moment when your symptoms developed and determine which events in your life might have set it off. But what if you can’t come up with an answer? What if you genuinely can’t figure out the root cause of your symptoms? Is it possible that your fears and traumas aren’t a result of something you personally experienced?

New research suggests that fear and trauma can actually be passed down through generations. Perhaps the answer lies with your parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents. Here’s how fear can be passed down, and how you can heal.

Inheriting Trauma

So, how is trauma actually inherited? It all starts somewhere in your family tree.

If one of your ancestors experienced an extremely traumatic event, like a famine or war, the effects can be passed down genetically. The study of epigenetics is all about studying how fear and trauma is passed down through our genetic line.


Changes in Gene Expression

If your ancestors have gone through serious trauma, it can change their descendants’ gene expression. It does not change the DNA itself - only the way that DNA is expressed.

For instance, the children of prisoners of war may have higher mortality rates at younger ages. The children of those who survived attempted genocide may have higher levels of cortisone, the stress hormone.

Modeling Parents

Studies of epigenetics do control for the fact that our parents’ behavior can also impact our personalities and mental health. When controlling for this factor, the research still indicates that there is a genetic component.

However, it is also entirely possible for children to pick up fears directly from their parents. After all, as children, we learn about the world almost entirely through our parents. If our parents demonstrate certain fears, we learn to fear these things, too, and it can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Hypnotherapy for Past Life Regression

How can hypnotherapy and past life regression help you address the fear that has been passed down? You’ll begin by meeting with a qualified therapist, who will help you relax into a trance-like state. This will bring heightened awareness and the ability to block out all distractions.

Your therapist will direct you to zero in on what’s bothering you. In this state, you will be able to explore thoughts and memories that might normally be painful to bring up. In addition, your therapist will help you discover possible past lives. Overall, this will help you uncover where your trauma and fear began - and if it really originated in your life.


You may not walk out of your first hypnotherapy session feeling like a brand new person. In fact, you might be left with a lot of new information to process. However, chances are you’ll feel lighter. In addition, hypnotherapy has a wide range of other benefits. For example, it can help ease the mental and physical symptoms of stress. It can also improve your sleep and calm your nervous system.

When you know exactly where your trauma began and why, you are one step closer to healing. It’s like getting a diagnosis for any other medical issue - when you know what’s going on, you feel relief.

Do you suspect that you have inherited trauma or fear from your ancestors? Are you wondering if your struggles are a result of habits and behaviors that you’ve modeled after your parents? Hypnotherapy and past life regression can help you find the answers you seek. Reach out to us today to see how we can help you uncover and address inherited fears and traumas.