Why Hypnotherapy Is Important For Meeting Your New Year Goals 

New Year’s resolutions feed the excitement of fresh starts and new beginnings. After a year like 2020, many of us long for both. We want the whole “new year, new me” experience. We hope to move forward, leaving the pandemic, the extra pounds, the lost time, and heartbreaking grief behind us.

So we make our lists. We circle days and months on the calendar. We set up our apps.

What don’t we do? We don’t change our mindsets. We fail to transform our thoughts. And by February, our hopeful resolutions fade in the face of old habits. 

Why Hypnotherapy is a Resolution Game Changer

Don’t give up on your goals just yet. Hypnotherapy helps people see their resolutions through. The practice is a powerful means for addressing the thoughts and habits that feed self-limiting beliefs and obstacles.

People who smoke, overeat, manage phobias, and wrestle with dress and anxiety, have had long-term success with hypnotherapy for decades. Why? Because the focus isn’t on a makeover of your whole self. You probably don’t need a whole new you. Instead, you likely need a revised set of assumptions about yourself and the world around you.

Lasting change is a function of the mental energy you put into it. The goals you set are achievable when you see obstacles and stressors with a new perspective. It is necessary to do more than hope and wish to become or achieve.

An experienced hypnotherapist can guide you and encourage a more productive state of mind. Uncovering the reasons for assuming a useful behavior or releasing an unhelpful one helps design the meaningful goals you’ll stick with.

Hypnotherapy Can Help You Define Your Own Success

Resolutions should reflect you. Not the ideals of the culture or someone else’s hopes for you. That’s the only way you can really buy-in. This is your year.

Perhaps your original resolution was the well-worn “ lose weight” goal. However, midway through January, you find it isn’t really gelling. What’s the problem? Likely, your desire to change isn’t defined enough.

What does successful weight loss look like? Can you see yourself in that desired state? These things are a must for changes that matter to you and are worth the effort. 

Hypnotherapy is a proven tool for envisioning and embracing that future vision of yourself. Therapy sessions provide the time and space to mentally find, define, and fine-tune the results you’re after. From there, the necessary steps toward your goal come together with less stress and more joy. The work must still be done… but it isn’t endless or without focus. Your vision of success becomes real and within reach.

Hypnotherapy Helps When Years Past Interfere with New Year Promises

If you sense that more than a lack of focus and vision are compromising your way forward, don’t worry. Your hypnotherapist can help you there too. Together you can identify, examine, and tackle any problems, trauma, or memories that could be obscuring a clear picture of yourself and your abilities.

It could be that your confidence or self-esteem needs to recover from the past before prioritizing your new goals. Otherwise, self-sabotage could set you back.

To settle the past, an experienced and compassionate hypnotherapist will facilitate your journey backward. Safely and effectively, the practice can help you reframe past events productively. In hypnotherapy, you’ll be able to see disturbing events or unhelpful situations as life lessons. As a result, your viewpoints shift positively and more helpful beliefs become the supportive foundations of your future.

There’s No Time Like Now

Perhaps you’re curious about the potential benefits hypnotherapy can offer you now and tomorrow. Don’t spend any more of this year waiting to find out. We are here for you. Please reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session


Mentally Exhausted? Lacking Motivation? Why Hypnotherapy Helps


Have you ever lost the motivation to pursue your goals? Maybe you’ve dropped a favorite hobby because you simply lacked the drive for it. Or perhaps you gave up on a dream because you couldn’t see a path forward. Sometimes, we give up on the things we used to enjoy because we feel mentally exhausted. Dealing with brain fog, fatigue, and burnout can make it harder to keep up with an active schedule. But there is a way to heal. Hypnotherapy can help you work through a lack of motivation and mental exhaustion. Here are a few ways that hypnotherapy can help you begin to feel like your old self again.

Easing Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can be downright exhausting. When you’re anxious and stressed out, you may feel like your energy has been sapped. You may also find yourself feeling completely unmotivated to work on your hobbies or spend time with your loved ones.

Hypnotherapy can help you address symptoms of anxiety and high stress. Stress seems to be a silent epidemic these days, and anxiety may be just as pervasive. If you’re one of the many people dealing with these issues, hypnotherapy may be part of the solution for you.

Fighting Depression

Mental exhaustion and brain fog can be prominent symptoms of depression too. Moreover, many people with depression report feeling less motivated. They may forgo hobbies that they used to love or stop attending social events simply because they don’t feel any reason to do so. A deep feeling of exhaustion can also make it difficult for depression sufferers to live the way they want. Hypnotherapy is a proven way to help those suffering from low moods and depression. If you suspect that depression may be at the root of your mental health struggles, hypnotherapy may be the answer.

Improving Your Sleep Quality

Why do we feel mentally exhausted? Sometimes, we’re just physically tired! Many of us do not get enough sleep on a nightly basis. But even when we know that we should be getting more shuteye, it can be hard to stick to a healthy sleep schedule. Hypnotherapy can help you learn to easily relax at night. When you have a solid evening routine, you’ll find that it’s not so tough to doze off at the right hour. Getting eight hours of sleep per night can truly change your life and moods.

Overcoming Your Fears

Dealing with a phobia or deep-seated fear can also be mentally exhausting. Sometimes, these fears can feel like burdens that we carry with us through everyday life, making every task more difficult. Many people who suffer from phobias find relief with hypnotherapy. In a safe, therapeutic environment, your therapist can help you understand where your fears stem from. Having a phobia can make you feel vulnerable. But with a qualified hypnotherapist, it’s safe to be vulnerable and let your guard down.

Curbing Addiction

Addiction can hold us back from fulfilling our true potential. It can also contribute to mental exhaustion and an overwhelming lack of motivation. Overcoming addiction does not happen overnight, but hypnotherapy sessions can help you start down the road to progress. When you’re going through hypnotherapy, your therapist can help guide you to uncover the roots of your pain and addiction. As you undergo these sessions, you’ll understand what you need to do in order to heal.

Are you struggling with a loss of motivation, mental exhaustion, or other symptoms of depression or anxiety? Have you ever been curious about the potential benefits of hypnotherapy? This treatment might be effective for you. Please reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.

Stressed?Anxious? How Hynoptherapy can Soothe Your Worried Mind


"Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment. Our work is to transform that into a work of empowerment."

~Milton Erickson, hypnotherapy pioneer

Perhaps the thought of being hypnotized in a therapeutic setting gives you pause. After all, many people still believe that hypnosis is just a gimmick. Or a manipulative process geared toward making you lose personal power.

Unfortunately, misconceptions about what hypnosis actually keeps too many people from tapping into its benefits. In truth, a certified therapist can use hypnosis with clients as an effective treatment for stress and anxiety. When carried out safely and professionally, hypnotherapy can help calm your mind and ease your worries.

How Hypnotherapy Can Soothe Your Worried Mind

Hypnotherapy can Enhance Suggestibility

Yes, hypnosis does make you more suggestible. But when you’re working with a trusted therapist, this is nothing to fear! Becoming more suggestible during hypnotherapy can help you internalize advice from your therapist that you struggled to embrace before, like tips for managing anxiety or soothing breathing techniques. You’ll be more receptive to guidance. This means that you’ll have an easier time taking what you’ve learned in therapy and applying it to your everyday life.

Hypnotherapy can Increase Openness to Discussion

Sometimes, it can be difficult to get to the root cause of trauma or a mental health condition. You may try to dig deeper in talk therapy, but it can be tough to reflect on certain memories or identify when a problem started. This is where hypnotherapy can help you make breakthroughs.

Under hypnosis, you’ll be more open to emotional discussions. This openness can help you address the roots of the problems you enrolled in therapy for. For example, you might feel more comfortable looking back on your first struggles with anxiety under hypnosis. Your therapist will not push you to discuss anything you’re not ready to bring up yet, so you’ll always feel safe.

Hypnotherapy can Support Health by Improving Sleep

Whether you are dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply feeling stressed out, there’s a high chance that you’re not getting enough sleep. You might find yourself tossing and turning every night, trying to process everything on your mind. Hypnotherapy has been proven to help you fall asleep faster at night and improve the quality of your sleep. Getting plenty of quality sleep is essential for healing anxiety and maintaining your sense of calm.

Hypnotherapy can Increases Focus

You may feel distracted even during therapy sessions, especially if you have anxiety. It can be hard to stay focused when your thoughts are scattered and your stress levels are high.

But during hypnotherapy sessions, you may notice that it’s much easier to stay focused on a single topic. Your therapist will help you zero in on whatever you want to process and discuss. And you may even notice that your concentration improves outside of therapy sessions! This can help you become more mindful and less anxious about things outside of your control.

Hypnotherapy can Calm the Nervous System

Overall, hypnotherapy is an effective technique for calming your stress responses. Trauma resides in the nervous system. Stress and anxiety often push the nervous system past its limits. You can start to feel stuck in a stressed, hypervigilant state, unable to relax. Overreaction, panic, anger, and more result. Hypnotherapy can help you adjust and regulate your expectations and emotions. Treatment can promote a much better judgment and perspective, lowering your stress levels.

Are you struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health condition? Perhaps you’re curious about the benefits of hypnosis, and you’d like to see if this method could be a valuable form of treatment for you. If you’re interested in hypnotherapy, reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first therapy session with us.

Overwhelmed by Negativity? Key Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help Transform Your Thoughts


Have you ever been curious about hypnotherapy? Some may assume that hypnosis is just a party trick. If you’ve ever seen a hypnotist show where people said and did silly things, it might be hard to imagine this practice having any therapeutic value! But hypnotherapy is actually a very effective approach to addressing negative thought patterns.

If you regularly struggle with negative thoughts, you might benefit from hypnotherapy. While it is not a cure for every mental health condition, it does have a surprisingly beneficial impact. What can hypnotherapy specifically help with? Here are a few ways these methods can help you improve your mindset.

Reducing General Stress Levels

Hypnotherapy can help with something as common as your general stress levels. If you tend to spend lots of time each day dwelling on everything you have to get done, you may experience high levels of stress. Furthermore, you might focus heavily on plans for the future that you cannot fully control. This can all contribute to greater feelings of stress. But hypnotherapy can help you clear your mind of these stressful thoughts.

Addressing Fears and Anxieties

Perhaps you often find yourself feeling anxious about things to come. You might even get anxiety when you reflect on the past. You may have a long list of fears that tend to occupy your thoughts. And you might even have fears that run so deep they have become phobias that hold you back from enjoying your daily life. Hypnotherapy has been proven to help people move past these intense phobias and more minor fears. 

Sleep Easy

Did you know that hypnotherapy can even help you fall asleep more easily at night? If you often toss and turn before finally dozing off, hypnotherapy can provide some relief. After attending hypnotherapy sessions, you may leave feeling as though you’ve worked through some of the anxieties and worries that usually tend to keep you up. Ideally, these positive effects will continue well beyond your sessions. When you can get quality sleep each night, your entire life can improve. You’ll certainly have an easier time staying focused during the day!

The Mind-Body Connection

Many people who struggle with chronic pain report that hypnotherapy helps to alleviate their symptoms. Hypnotherapy is not a cure for physical illnesses. However, hypnotherapists often find that their patients who deal with chronic pain day in and day out do experience some relief after hypnotherapy sessions. This may be because hypnotherapy helps to heal the mind-body connection. Our thoughts can affect the way our bodies feel, and they can even contribute to higher pain levels. Through a method like hypnotherapy, we can gradually phase out these thoughts and maintain a healthier state of mind.

Changing Habits

We all know how hard it can be to break a bad habit. But hypnotherapy can make it easier. Hypnotherapy can help you root out the thought patterns that prompt you to repeat the same self-sabotaging behaviors over and over again. After all, sometimes we need to shift our beliefs in order to transform our habits. If we believe that we can’t change, or if we assume that making necessary changes will be too hard, we might not be motivated to try. But through hypnotherapy, you can learn to reframe those thoughts. And when your new beliefs begin to prompt a real change in your actions, you’ll find yourself living a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Are you interested in finding out if hypnotherapy could help you maintain a more positive mindset? It could be the right answer for you. Read about hypnotherapy and contact us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first appointment.