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Feeling Stuck? 5 Ways to Cultivate the Change You Want

Most of us can think of at least one aspect of our lives that we would like to change. Perhaps you wish you exercised more often, or that ate a healthier diet. Maybe you keep telling yourself that you’re going to go back to school or start applying for new jobs. Or maybe you’ve been single for quite a while. Yet every time you try to start dating again, something stops you. On the other hand, perhaps you’ve been saying that you’re going to cut off certain toxic relationships, but you’re scared to let go.

How can you finally start taking steps to cultivate the changes you desire in your life? Here are a few methods that might help you drop your old habits and begin your transformation.

Writing in a Journal

Many people find that writing in a journal, with no fear of judgment, is one of the best ways to figure out why they feel the way they do and get to the root of what’s really holding them back.

Designate a time of day when you will write in your journal. Try to get into a daily routine. Just let your words flow without editing yourself. You might be surprised at what comes up.


Meditation can take a little getting used to, but the basic idea is very simple: all you need to do is sit in silence for a few minutes each day, breathe in and out, and observe your thoughts rather than allowing yourself to ruminate.

As you spend more time meditating, you will find that this practice allows you to get in touch with your inner self in a way that few other habits do. You will find yourself feeling lighter with each passing day, and you’ll be able to stay present and concentrate on cultivating other positive habits.

Track Your Time

Why don’t you ever seem to have the time to do the things you really want to do? Well, it might be because of your time management. Try tracking your time for a few days to see how much of it you spend on activities and habits that really aren’t serving you.

Are you really focusing on the things you want to prioritize? If the answer is no, come up with a more productive schedule for yourself, and enlist a friend or your partner to help you stay accountable.

Socialize Outside Your Usual Circle

Ever feel like you just need to shake things up in your social life? Every once in a while, this is exactly what someone needs to be inspired to make a big change.

Try to connect with people who are working towards the same goals that you are. Seeing other people make the changes that you want to make in your own life can be a game changer. It’s inspiring, and it lets you know that you’re not alone.

Talking to a Therapist

If you feel like you’ve tried absolutely everything, and you’re still falling short of where you want to be in life, there is no shame in reaching out for professional help.

Sometimes, you need a little expert guidance to get you started down the right path. This is where therapy comes into the picture. Working with the right therapist can help you look at your life from a whole new perspective and seek out new solutions that you never would have considered before.

Feeling like no matter what you’re try, you just don’t see the changes you want in your life? Working with a therapist might help you break through those obstacles. Contact us today to discuss scheduling a session and how we can help you get out of a rut.

Click here to learn more about Counseling for Life Changes