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Stressed?Anxious? How Hynoptherapy can Soothe Your Worried Mind

"Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment. Our work is to transform that into a work of empowerment."

~Milton Erickson, hypnotherapy pioneer

Perhaps the thought of being hypnotized in a therapeutic setting gives you pause. After all, many people still believe that hypnosis is just a gimmick. Or a manipulative process geared toward making you lose personal power.

Unfortunately, misconceptions about what hypnosis actually keeps too many people from tapping into its benefits. In truth, a certified therapist can use hypnosis with clients as an effective treatment for stress and anxiety. When carried out safely and professionally, hypnotherapy can help calm your mind and ease your worries.

How Hypnotherapy Can Soothe Your Worried Mind

Hypnotherapy can Enhance Suggestibility

Yes, hypnosis does make you more suggestible. But when you’re working with a trusted therapist, this is nothing to fear! Becoming more suggestible during hypnotherapy can help you internalize advice from your therapist that you struggled to embrace before, like tips for managing anxiety or soothing breathing techniques. You’ll be more receptive to guidance. This means that you’ll have an easier time taking what you’ve learned in therapy and applying it to your everyday life.

Hypnotherapy can Increase Openness to Discussion

Sometimes, it can be difficult to get to the root cause of trauma or a mental health condition. You may try to dig deeper in talk therapy, but it can be tough to reflect on certain memories or identify when a problem started. This is where hypnotherapy can help you make breakthroughs.

Under hypnosis, you’ll be more open to emotional discussions. This openness can help you address the roots of the problems you enrolled in therapy for. For example, you might feel more comfortable looking back on your first struggles with anxiety under hypnosis. Your therapist will not push you to discuss anything you’re not ready to bring up yet, so you’ll always feel safe.

Hypnotherapy can Support Health by Improving Sleep

Whether you are dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or simply feeling stressed out, there’s a high chance that you’re not getting enough sleep. You might find yourself tossing and turning every night, trying to process everything on your mind. Hypnotherapy has been proven to help you fall asleep faster at night and improve the quality of your sleep. Getting plenty of quality sleep is essential for healing anxiety and maintaining your sense of calm.

Hypnotherapy can Increases Focus

You may feel distracted even during therapy sessions, especially if you have anxiety. It can be hard to stay focused when your thoughts are scattered and your stress levels are high.

But during hypnotherapy sessions, you may notice that it’s much easier to stay focused on a single topic. Your therapist will help you zero in on whatever you want to process and discuss. And you may even notice that your concentration improves outside of therapy sessions! This can help you become more mindful and less anxious about things outside of your control.

Hypnotherapy can Calm the Nervous System

Overall, hypnotherapy is an effective technique for calming your stress responses. Trauma resides in the nervous system. Stress and anxiety often push the nervous system past its limits. You can start to feel stuck in a stressed, hypervigilant state, unable to relax. Overreaction, panic, anger, and more result. Hypnotherapy can help you adjust and regulate your expectations and emotions. Treatment can promote a much better judgment and perspective, lowering your stress levels.

Are you struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health condition? Perhaps you’re curious about the benefits of hypnosis, and you’d like to see if this method could be a valuable form of treatment for you. If you’re interested in hypnotherapy, reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first therapy session with us.