Gentle Restoration

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Struggling to Find Your Voice? – 3 Tips to Know & Share Your True Self

It might seem a little strange to think about not “knowing” yourself fully. Unfortunately, many people struggle with showcasing their authentic voice. We live in a world where it’s far too easy to inhibit that voice. 

Because of that, your true self can also sometimes get lost in the mix. You might find yourself feeling unfulfilled, or feeling like you aren’t sure who you are or what your purpose is. 

The good news? There are things you can do to uncover your true self and allow your authentic inner voice to be healthy. 

Let’s look at some of the ways you can break through the noise of the rest of the world to uncover who you genuinely are.

1. Be Still

One of the first things you need to do to find your authentic voice is to listen. If you’re always busy, stressed, or filling your time with a dozen different things, you might not be giving yourself time to stop and listen. 

Silence can be scary. It can cause you to face things you might not want to face. It can allow particular thoughts to creep in that you would rather avoid. 

But, when you allow your thoughts to flow freely, you’ll learn more about yourself and how to manage the things that scare you. Try practicing mindfulness for a few minutes each day. Sit in silence, and allow your thoughts to come and go without holding onto anything that causes you to feel anxious. 

2. Focus on the Present

Almost everyone has an idea of who they want to be and what they want to do. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s healthy to have aspirations and goals for which you’re willing to work hard. 

But, you can’t become something else if you don’t understand who you already are. Instead of only focusing on those goals, focus on who you truly are right now. Focusing on that will give you the chance to recognize your gifts and weaknesses. That will allow you more opportunities to use those skills throughout your life. 

It’s also essential to find the activities at which you excel and struggle. It can be a jagged pill to swallow, but you may not be destined for something you’re passionate about. Far too often, people lose track of who they honestly are because they’re working toward something that isn’t right for them. 

Take stock in the things you’re skilled in, and where you’re not. Does your career line up? What about your relationships? You cannot force yourself into situations that go against who you truly are and expect to find fulfillment. 

3. Ask Others

If you feel as though you don’t know yourself, talk to people close to you. While you shouldn’t let others tell you who they want you to be, sometimes getting feedback can help you discover more about your true self. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions like, “what are my strengths?” or, “what do I need to work on?” Everyone will have their own opinion, of course. You can choose to value specific opinions and thought processes more than others.

However, getting that kind of feedback from people you trust may be the spark you need to start hearing your authentic voice. Sometimes, it takes that kind of “prompt” to be willing to listen to what that voice is saying. 


You don’t have to struggle to find your authentic voice. If you’re willing to listen and put in the effort to uncover your true self, it’s possible. Please read about counseling for life changes. Feel free to contact me if you want more information or have any questions on how to learn more about hearing that voice loud and clear.