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Experiencing a Crisis? 5 Signs You May Need Trauma Counseling

When you are in the midst of a crisis, it can be tough to take stock of your own emotions. You may tell yourself that you need to keep pushing through each and every day. Even when you feel like you can barely get out of bed, you may feel like you don’t have the right to ask for help.

We often tell ourselves that our problems are not big enough to warrant outside assistance. Sometimes, we even shame ourselves for thinking about reaching out for support. But many people who have been in crisis mode for too long would be well-served by trauma counseling. Here are a few signs that may let you know that trauma counseling is right for you.

Your Loved Ones are Concerned

Maybe you feel like you don’t need help from anyone. You may worry that asking for help would make you look weak or silly. But if your loved ones are concerned that they can’t give you the support you need, it’s time to start seeking out other options. Has your mom expressed to you that she’s worried about you? Have your friends been encouraging you to talk to a professional? Listen closely - they have your best interests at heart.

Your Usual Processing Techniques Aren’t Working

Have you dealt with periods of anxiety and depression in the past? Maybe you even managed to process a traumatic event without going to a counselor for support. But this time around, your processing tactics just don’t seem to be so effective. No matter what you try, you still don’t feel like yourself. If this is the case, you don’t have to keep trying to do this on your own. It’s time to look outside of yourself.

You’ve Been Neglecting Basic Responsibilities

Your dishes are piling up in the sink. You’ve been leaving your dirty laundry on your bedroom floor for weeks. Some days, you even struggle to shower and brush your teeth. Maybe you find it difficult to get out of bed most mornings - if you get out of bed at all. You find yourself calling out of work or staying home from school whenever possible. If you relate to any of these statements, it’s definitely time to contact trauma counselors.

Your Physical Symptoms are Debilitating

Trauma does not just affect your mental health. It also affects your physical health. You may experience searing headaches that prohibit you from getting your work done. Maybe you feel nauseous every time you eat a meal. Perhaps you toss and turn all night and feel plagued by nightmares and intrusive thoughts. Debilitating physical symptoms are generally a red flag signifying that you need trauma counseling.

You’ve Turned to Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Maybe you find it easier to pour yourself a drink when you’re feeling the effects of your trauma than to reach out to a friend. You may be gambling, getting involved in healthy relationships, or abusing other substances. If any of these ring true for you, it’s time to break free of these unhealthy coping mechanisms. And you do not have to try to do it on your own. Connecting with a trauma counselor will provide you with a safe place to work through all of these difficult emotions and examine how you have tried to address them.

Are you tired of trying to heal your trauma on your own? Have you found yourself wishing that you could talk to someone who truly understood what you are going through? It may be time to pursue trauma counseling. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.