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How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Finally Get to Sleep

Insomnia has become so common that many people think of it as normal. Almost one in three Americans experience some kind of sleep issue but most chalk it as a part of life.

 Yet, what is most often true is that insomnia is an offshoot of low-level anxiety. This virtually invisible, underlying cause can interrupt your normal sleep patterns and set off a cycle of other problems. You’ll have trouble concentrating, become irritable, experience mood swings, and lower your immune function.

What if over-the-counter and/or prescription medications are not the answer? Could the best approach be hypnotherapy?

What is Hypnotherapy?

It springs from a heightened state of awareness brought on by using mental images or verbal repetition. Under the guidance of a trained practitioner, you will be able to block out much of what is going on around you. In this state, you may feel calmer than usual. You may be more open to suggestion and become aware of the emotions and thoughts that your conscious mind chooses to ignore. Through it all, you never lose control of your behavior.

Hypnotherapy is often used for:

  • Behavior changes

  • Pain control

  • Substance abuse

  • Bad habits

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

Obviously, those last two items relate directly to this post. Before we move more specifically to that topic, there are three of the many positive aspects of hypnotherapy:

  • No side effects

  • Drug-free

  • Proven track record

What is Insomnia?

Let’s say you’re having trouble falling and/or staying asleep at least 3 nights a week over the course of at least 3 months. If so, you are probably struggling with insomnia. It may be caused by a primary event, e.g. stress, environment, or work schedule. Conversely, a secondary factor could be involved.

These range from physical ailments to medications to the aforementioned anxiety. Regardless of the specifics, if you’ve got insomnia, you know how challenging it can be. So, once you’ve made certain there aren’t other underlying concerns, it’s time to consider trying hypnosis therapy.

3 Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help You Finally Get to Sleep

Our sleep patterns, healthy or not, can wind up embedded in our subconscious mind. From that starting point, it makes sense to take an approach that explores your sleep issues on a deeper level.

1. Getting Back in Touch With Your Mind

We all spend so much time “lost in thought.” We’re not present in our lives and this is a major cause of anxiety. Hypnotherapy reconnects us with the current moment. This helps us grow more mindful of how we feel and what we think. Anxiety about the future and distress about the past fade away. In such a state, sleep flows more naturally.

2. Visualization and Affirmations

Picture yourself working with a skilled hypnotherapist. You feel so relaxed and ready to reimagine your perceptions and behaviors. Congratulations, you just performed a visualization. This is not unlike what you will do during your sessions.

As you become more self-aware, your therapist will have you focus on the anxiety that makes sleeping so difficult. They will comfort you with words like “Your anxiety is under your control.” They may also gently guide you through some coping mechanisms, e.g. “Breathe deeply as you prepare for bed brings about a sense of calmness.”

3. Learning How To Relax

The experience of hypnosis is not something you forget about when you leave the office. You will be empowered with the ability to induce a feeling of deep relaxation whenever you wish. Pro tip: Deep relaxation is a powerful precursor to quality sleep.

Perhaps you’re curious about the potential benefits hypnotherapy can offer you. Please reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.