You Can Find Peace


Perhaps you have been waking up at 3 a.m., unable to fall back to sleep or convince yourself that everything is okay. Or, maybe you are unable to get to sleep at all.

You may be struggling with emotional or even chronic pain that makes it seem impossible to live as you want to. Maybe you wonder if you can even function in the world at all.

Maybe your child is acting out in ways that are not healthy. You may not know if you’re seeing a cry for help or the process of finding his or her own identity in a complex world. 

Do you ever feel stuck in the past with memories that don’t serve you well today? Do you sometimes feel so overwhelmed that you don’t know how to get back up and move forward?

If these thoughts resonate in your heart and mind, you are not alone, and there is hope for relief. It makes sense to work it with a skilled therapist who is trained in addressing and healing accumulated stress, anxiety and trauma. One who will prioritize your safety and hold your best interests at heart.

I offer:

  • Somatic Experiencing, which can reduce symptoms of accumulated stress, complex trauma, PTSD or attachment issues

  • Tools for relief from anxiety and physical symptoms of stress

  • Hypnosis regressions and guided meditations to release fears and phobias

  • Psychotherapy from a holistic perspective, healing mind, body and spirit

I invite you to explore my website to learn more about my particular specialties and my unique therapy approach. No matter what you’re going through, I believe that true healing is possible for you.

Give me a call at 408-357-3736 so we can discuss your unique situation and my experience as a therapist. I’d like to help.


Complex Trauma Therapy

close up spiderweb with water droplets salmon colored background

Are you struggling to move on from traumatic experiences, some of which occurred years, even decades ago?

PTSD Therapy

thumbnail of spider web with dew drops

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a misunderstood illness that disrupts your ability to function, feel safe and stable.


heavily shaded road through woods

Learn the truth about hypnotherapy, debunk the myths and learn how it can help you.


Somatic Experiencing


This method is a body awareness system for releasing stress and restoring your well-being. 

Holistic Life Counseling


Holistic life counseling can help you feel fulfilled personally, professionally, and spiritually.