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Struggling to Process Your New Normal? 8 Ways to Create More Calm

Right now, many of us are trying to adjust to a “new normal” defined by the unexpected pandemic. You might be trying to juggle all of your responsibilities while navigating the new restrictions for the sake of public health. Or maybe your finances have taken a hit, and you’re wondering how you can support yourself until you’re able to work again.

No matter what your situation is, getting used to a “new normal” is never easy. But even if you feel like each day brings more challenges, there are a few things you can do to make life more bearable. Here are a few tactics that will help you find calm in the midst of all the change and chaos.

Watch Your “Media Diet”

Spending too much time watching the news can seriously raise your stress levels. It’s important to stay informed on what’s going on in your area. But if you find that every headline leaves you feeling more anxious than the last, it might be time to take a break and reduce your media consumption.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Have you found yourself staying up late or tossing and turning with worry when the lights are

off? Starting a soothing sleep routine before you get into bed each night can help. Commit to a ritual that helps you relax, and try to aim for seven to eight hours of sleep every night. You will feel more grounded and motivated.


Got a spare five minutes or so? Then you have plenty of time to meditate! If you find it hard to sit in silence, you can try downloading a guided meditation app so that you don’t get lost in your thoughts. Just find somewhere comfortable to sit and take deep breaths - eventually, it will come to you naturally.

Try Yoga

You don’t have to be flexible or athletic to enjoy yoga and benefit from this practice. And you don’t have to go to a studio to start your yoga journey, either! There are plenty of yoga teachers sharing free videos online. Yoga is great for both your mental and physical health, and it’s easy to try it out at home!

Venture Outdoors

Of course, we all need to be careful about practicing social distancing and following the current rules in our local regions. But if you can safely go for walks outside without bumping into other people, it might help you feel a little better. When the sun is shining, go beyond your front door if it is safe to do so.

Read a Good Book

Everything going on in our world feels so stressful right now - if you’re looking for escapism, it’s totally understandable. Now is the perfect time to curl up with a good book, get lost in each chapter, and forget about the rest of the world for a while.

Check in With Loved Ones

Sure, you can’t hang out with your friends or family right now, but you can definitely call them up! Make it a point to check in with your loved ones every few days. After chatting with them, you’ll feel lighter.

Start a Gratitude Journal

It may not feel like you have much to be grateful for right now. But if you take some time to write in a gratitude journal each day, you might find that you’ve got more going for than you think. Look for hope in the little things.

The uncertainty of our current moment can be difficult to process. Everyone is struggling to handle all of these unprecedented changes. Counseling for life changes from a therapist can help. Reach out to us today if you’re looking for professional support in these difficult times.