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How Hypnotherapy can Help with Chronic Pain

Although many people think of hypnosis as a carnival trick, hypnotherapy is actually a practice that many therapists use with their patients to great success. It is used to help patients manage and heal from a wide variety of conditions.

Can hypnotherapy really help ease chronic pain? Yes! In fact, it’s a highly effective form of treatment. A great many people find that hypnotherapy relieves their chronic pain symptoms and the associated emotional distress as well.

Working through hypnotherapy with a therapist is nothing like being hypnotized on stage in front of a crowd. Here’s how hypnotherapy can help you think clearly, release your stress, and reduce your chronic pain levels.

Hypnotherapy and the Brain

Why does hypnotherapy actually reduce chronic pain? Basically, this practice affects the areas of your brain that influence both the intensity and unpleasantness of the pain that you feel.

This isn’t to say that your pain is all in your head. Positive thinking won’t completely eliminate the pain. However, the mind-body connection is very real. The pain that you experience is a result of the signals that your brain sends to your body. Therefore, hypnotherapy can help dial your pain down and make it easier to get through the day.

No Distractions

When you are in a hypnotherapy session, your therapist will help you clear your mind completely. A qualified therapist will assist you in letting go of your thoughts and simply focusing on the issue that you want to heal. Essentially, you won’t have any distractions.

When you clear your mind with hypnotherapy, your therapist will be able to more effectively guide you in zeroing in on the root cause of your pain. In this safe space, you will have the opportunity to explore what’s really influencing your chronic symptoms. You’ll also be able to work on addressing the source of the issue, rather than just the symptoms.


In a hypnotherapy session, your therapist will guide you into a trance-like state. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you lose control of yourself! You will simply be much more relaxed and open to suggestions. In other words, you’ll be ready to accept new beliefs about your pain. Moreover, you’ll be able to keep them in mind even when you come out of the trance.

Still, your therapist won’t suggest anything harmful. Instead, their suggestions will help you think deeply about the source of your pain and how you can begin to heal. When you leave the session, their suggestions will continue to have a resonating impact.

Relaxation and Letting Go

Finally, when you’re dealing with chronic pain, it can be hard to rest and relax. Comments from well-meaning loved ones to “loosen up” or “think positive” are not the solution. While it’s true that reducing stress can help relieve pain, it’s not like you can just “snap out of it.”

However, hypnotherapy can help you shift your state of mind. With the help of your therapist, you will be able to fully release tension and anxiety. We often don’t realize just how much we hold on to. Furthermore, it is well known that trauma can be stored in the body and is a common source of chronic pain.

For many people, physical treatments meant to address their pain is not enough. But through hypnotherapy, you can explore your pain in a safe and supportive environment. All told, hypnotherapy works because 1) it’s an evidence-based method for shifting your thought process, 2) it helps you let go of tension, and 3) assists an understanding of where your pain comes from.

Have you ever been curious about hypnotherapy? Are you struggling to manage your chronic pain and feel ready to find a lasting solution? We can help. Reach out today to see if hypnotherapy is the right choice for you.

Click here for more information on Hypnotherapy.