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Crisis, Trauma, ...and Growth? Why You're Poised for A New Start

Throughout our lives, we will face challenges. And sometimes, a challenge can turn into a full-blown crisis. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one or found yourself unemployed. Perhaps you’ve had to give up on a dream, move away from a place you called home, or push through a period of financial insecurity.

It can be difficult to shoulder your way through a crisis, and when you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, you might wonder if you’ll ever be the same again.

The truth is that crises and trauma do change us. But sometimes, even during a global pandemic or period of national unrest, those changes are for the better.

Here are a few ways that a crisis can push you to grow as a person.

Your Strength Soars

It’s been said that we don’t know how truly strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have. And after conquering a crisis, you might find this to be true. You may realize that you are capable of surviving more than you had ever thought possible. Now that you’ve seen just how strong you really are, you might feel a sense of calm the next time you’re faced with a difficult situation.

Who You Really Are Blooms

A crisis can bring out a side of you that you never knew existed. Maybe you always thought of yourself as shy and introverted, but this crisis taught you that you’re capable of speaking up and standing up for yourself. Or maybe you always thought of yourself as someone who was prone to procrastination and laziness, but a crisis forced you to work harder than you ever have before. Discovering new things about yourself can be life-changing.

Your Priorities Become Clearer

In a time of crisis, you may have had to drop everything except for the things that truly mattered. It can be difficult to let go of certain people, hobbies, or behaviors. But sometimes this serves as a reminder of the things that are truly important to us. It’s a way to uncover your true priorities in life. Now, you know where to direct your focus so that you can spend your time doing what truly makes you happiest.

Resilience Happens

Resilience is the character trait that makes it possible for you to keep your chin up during hard times. When you develop true resilience, you can approach a challenging situation with a stoic attitude. You already know that you can endure far more than you ever expected - and you know that you’re not broken for it. Being a resilient person will help you as you work to achieve the things you really want out of life.

Your Future Expands

After experiencing a crisis, you may feel like you have to revaluate your vision for your life. Maybe you’ve learned a few things about yourself that you had never acknowledged before. Or maybe after going through such a tough time, you know that you need to make a few changes if you genuinely want to prioritize your own happiness.

A crisis can represent a turning point in your life. This can be the moment when you envision a better future for yourself and start taking steps to get there. Sometimes, a crisis can actually be a wake-up call. You can take it as an opportunity to turn your life around.

Take the Next Step Forward

Are you facing a crisis in your life right now? Do you feel that you need support and guidance in order to make it through? You might benefit from talking to a therapist about what you’re going through. Please reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.

For more information on trauma therapy click here.