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Why Online Counseling is Effective for PTSD and Complex Trauma

Justifiably, there is a fair amount of speculation that the Covid-19 pandemic could eventually lead to an increase in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). From front-line workers to those infected with the virus to others struggling with severe financial stress, it’s not hard to imagine an uptick in PTSD diagnoses. But what about those who are already dealing with PTSD and/or complex trauma? What impact with the global crisis have on them and what effective options exist in the age of social distancing?

Covid-19, PTSD, and Trauma

We live in a time period that may feel tailor-made to exacerbate trauma-related symptoms. Non-stop news updates, widespread uncertainty, political division, a genuine fear for one’s safety, and more can add up to a challenging environment for anyone. anyone with a trauma disorder may feel decidedly lost. On top of that, our routines and sense of stability have been upended. For many, financial insecurity is a daily reality. Worse cannot hug loved ones fo comfort and face-to-face psychotherapy is temporarily out of the question.

Fortunately, there are healthy solutions to help us cope. Shelter-at-home does not rule out therapy-at-home. The rapidly growing world of online counseling is filling the void. Whether it’s via phone call or video chat, counselors and clients are able to connect and continue their essential work. Online counseling offers everyone some very attractive advantages, e.g. affordability, accessibility, convenience, and flexible hours. For people dealing specifically with PTSD and/or complex trauma, telehealth is particularly effective.

5 Reasons Why Online Counseling is Effective for PTSD and Complex Trauma

1. The Comforts of Home

Everyday life can sometimes feel daunting when recovering from trauma. Telehealth gives clients the opportunity to address this issue without leaving the comfort of their homes. The stage is set for results.

2. An Environment That Promotes Relaxation and a Sense of Safety

Now more than ever, it is crucial that we have somewhere that can serve as our safe space. In an office setting, your options can be somewhat limited. In your home, you can experiment and move around until you decide on the “therapy spot” in which you feel most relaxed and safe.

3. An Excellent Entry Point

Most people have become remarkably comfortable performing daily tasks online or on their phones. Telehealth will feel like a natural progression. For others — perhaps older individuals — online counseling from home may feel like a welcoming entry point into the realm of therapy.

4. No Stigma

Online counseling provides privacy. No explanations to anyone you might encounter on your way to an office is a concern. Understandably, some people are not ready to talk openly about their personal issues. Therapy-at-home creates a scenario in which they can let go of any feelings of shame or concerns about discovery. The focus, instead, is on healing and recovery.

5. Mindfulness

Therapy for trauma-related conditions naturally focuses on the present moment. In addition, the counselor-client combo will engage in many body-related exercises and approaches to support calm and clarity. This type of work melds nicely with online therapy. In addition, not being in the same physical location as the therapist often proves advantageous, The client may be far more able to stay mindful and present in their own space.

Remember, Physical Distance Does Not Rule Out Social Interactions

Social distancing is a confusing term. Yes, a physical distance must exist but this does not preclude a sense of social closeness. No one should feel isolated, especially when the world is in crisis. Least of all when you already have trauma to process. If your struggle with PTSD and/or complex trauma has been complicated by the current situation or triggered because of it, please do not hesitate to reach out. Explore the powerful option of online counseling. Contact me today to learn more and to set up your initial consultation.

For more information on PTSD therapy click here.