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Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression: 5 Myths that Could Keep You From Healing

Have you ever seen a hypnotist in action? Perhaps you have been hypnotized before as part of a stage show. Or maybe you saw one of your friends get hypnotized. Many of the beliefs about hypnosis in popular culture come from entertainment or a public demonstration. But there is so much more to hypnosis than what you might see in a magic show.

Maybe you’ve thought about exploring hypnosis or past life regression before. But your preconceived notions about these treatments have given you pause. What if you say something silly to your therapist? Can you really trust what you remember under hypnosis? It’s time to break down some of the myths about hypnosis and past life regression to see how these treatment modalities can actually help you heal.

1. Embarrassing Yourself

Many people fear that they would embarrass themselves if they were hypnotized. This is because hypnotists and illusionists will often encourage people to do funny things they would normally never do while they are hypnotized.

When you’re in a trance state, you’re more suggestible. However, your therapist will never encourage you to do anything embarrassing. You will be in a safe, private environment where everything you say is confidential.

2. Losing Control

Are you nervous about losing control if you enter a trance? Take a deep breath - that’s not quite how it works!

Yes, you will undoubtedly more relaxed when you’re in a trance. But that doesn’t mean you will lose control. Your therapist won’t be ordering you around, either. Instead, they will gently guide you through the experience so that you can verbalize what you’re visualizing. You will maintain your sense of control throughout the entire session.

3. Vulnerability

You might worry that while you’re under hypnosis, you’ll be vulnerable. You may be nervous that someone could harm you, physically or emotionally. You don’t want anyone to be able to take advantage of you, and you fear that being hypnotized means letting your guard down.

But when you’re in your therapist’s office, you don’t need to dwell on this. It’s true that being in a trance state can mean letting your guard down, but your therapist is a qualified professional. When you’re with someone you trust, it’s safe to break down those walls. In fact, it’s the key to understanding the roots of your trauma.

4. Forgetfulness

If you have ever watched a hypnotist bring people out of a trance, you might have heard the participants say that they couldn’t remember anything that happened while they were hypnotized. Therefore, you might assume that hypnotherapy isn’t worth it. After all, what’s the use of going through past life regression if you can’t remember anything you learned during the process?

But professional hypnotherapy works differently. In a deep trance, you might forget a couple of details, but your therapist can help you fill in the blanks. You won’t have an empty hour.

5. Questioning Reality

Now, the major question: are the past life memories that come up during hypnotherapy sessions real? We can’t hop in a time machine and prove it. But research on hypnotherapy indicates that it is an effective modality for treating many mental health conditions. This demonstrates that the process itself is very useful for helping people uncover and understand past traumas.

So, maybe we should be asking a different question. Can hypnotherapy help you heal? With the right therapist and the will to try, the answer is a resounding yes.

Are you curious about hypnotherapy and past life regression? Are you ready to look past the myths and see how hypnotherapy can help you heal? Reach out to us today if you’re interested in pursuing past life regression.